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Available since 2.4.20

Get a random position within a bz_CustomZoneObject that is safe for a player to spawn at.

The following considerations are taken into account when this function determines a "spawn point":

  • The point is within the world boundaries (max height too)
  • The point does not collide with map objects
  • The point has enough vertical clearance for a tank to spawn at

If a "spawn point" could not be determined within the given zone, this function will return false. If this function returns false, you cannot trust the points set to randomPos; they will simply be the last random position that was tested before this function gave up.

This function respects the _spawnMaxCompTime BZDB setting when trying to calculate a random spawn position.


bool bz_getSpawnPointWithin(bz_CustomZoneObject* obj, float randomPos[3])
bz_CustomZoneObject* obj

The bz_CustomZoneObject that will be used as a bounding box to determine a spawn point.

float randomPos[3]

The pointer to the random spawn position (X, Y, and Z) within obj.


bool - True when a spawn point was able to be found within the given parameters.

Other Spawn Management Functions

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