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Available since 2.4.0

This URL function will send an asynchronous outgoing GET or POST request to a given URL.

  • When the postData argument is NULL, the request will be sent as a GET request.
  • When postData is not NULL, the request is sent as a POST request.

The handler argument defines a class with callbacks that will be executed when a URL job completes or errors out.


bool bz_addURLJob(const char* URL, bz_BaseURLHandler* handler = NULL, const char* postData = NULL)
const char* URL

The URL to send a request to.

bz_BaseURLHandler* handler

This handler defines the callbacks used for when a URL job is done, errors out, or times out.

const char* postData

The body of a POST request; this can be in any string based format.

bool bz_addURLJob(const char* URL, bz_URLHandler_V2* handler, void* token, const char* postData = NULL)
const char* URL

The URL to send a request to.

bz_URLHandler_V2* handler

This handler defines the callbacks used for when a URL job is done, errors out, or times out.

void* token

Any type of identifying information that will be accessible to the handler callback to be able to identify this request.

const char* postData

The body of a POST request; this can be in any string based format.

bool bz_addURLJob(const char* URL, bz_URLHandler_V2* handler, void* token, const char* postData = NULL, bz_APIStringList* headers = NULL)
const char* URL

The URL to send a request to.

bz_URLHandler_V2* handler

This handler defines the callbacks used for when a URL job is done, errors out, or times out.

void* token

Any type of identifying information that will be accessible to the handler callback to be able to identify this request.

const char* postData

The body of a POST request; this can be in any string based format.

bz_APIStringList* headers

Key/value pairs for headers that will be sent on outgoing URL requests.



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